Monday, December 2, 2013

The Problem with Please and Thank You…

Soooooo....the problem with Please and Thank You is…there is no problem with them!  The problem is YOU!  Okay maybe not you, per se…but it’s the spoiled, the rotten, the selfish, the “too comfortable”, and the elitist. Yup…I said it!  The ELITIST…those who are so used to getting what they want that they forget who, what, when, where, and why they received the blessings in the 1st place.

All uh dem!

For some reason people forgot their manners and decided that, pleasantries are no longer required in business and personal life.  But Please doesn’t suffer as much as Thank you though!  Oh no!  Thank you is almost taboo, non-existent, a “Lockness Monster” or “Bigfoot” that you hear about and read about but only comes out when no witnesses are around.

Now some may say that when it comes to business, the check should be Thank you enough…touché!  However, we don’t always receive monetary compensation when conducting business.  Sometimes we are networking, connecting dots, forwarding helpful articles, bartering, giving advice, or congratulating someone on a job well done.

Guess what’s supposed to come next?  Thank you!  It’s bad enough we rely on smart phones and social media…but do we have to lose common courtesies too?

You mean to tell me that the newest and trendiest thing out right now is to take without acknowledgement?  Receive without appreciating?  Benefit without giving back?  Accept without saying a motherfucking THANK YOU?

So what if we nice people decided to flip it?  A wise person told me TUH DAY, “as soon as a person stops thanking you…that’s when you stop. “  What do you think?  Is this good advice?  But I don’t want to change who I am because you don’t have manners…you feel me?  And as a person who gives and gives and sometimes doesn’t receive the same type of efforts, encouragement, hook-ups, or niceness in return, AT MINIMUM, I'd appreciate and expect a Thank You. 

Yes, you read correctly…I used the word, EXPECT.  People say that you should give without expecting anything but I call, bullshit!  We should definitely give because we want to, because we can and/or out of the kindness of our hearts…but I don’t know many or anyone who wouldn’t want to be acknowledged or thanked.  Now of course I’m not talking the about the Saints who live among us and the good anonymous Samaritans who do good things and vanish without a trace.  I am talking about the average person…those who we communicate with, work with, talk to, like, and love.

You’re making it harrrrrrrrrrd on us who want to do good things because we want to do good things!  And I don’t know if it’s because you’re living in a bubble, too busy or too oblivious to realize it.  But, without a simple thanks, you suck the positive energy out of that gesture that was made just for you. You also can make a person feel like your undeserving of said gesture and any future ones that may have had your name on them.

So listen here!  Next time someone does something nice for you, says something nice to you, or because of you…say, Thank you.  

It should roll off your tongue with ease.  Think of it as dessert after a well-cooked meal or that unexpected check you received after doing a good job.  You thank God, you thank your credit card for working when you get to the register after you've OD'd at Target…you even thank Hollywood writers you’ve never met after something good comes on your TV! So go ahead…thank your friend for that advice, your co-worker for picking up your slack, that person who complimented you on your outfit of the day, your Follower for leaving a comment on your blog,  your homie who just wanted to check on you, your family for putting up with you, your colleague for those tickets, that associate for the referral, and him or her for being that shoulder to cry on or ear to vent to when things may not go your way.  Don’t forget those you pray for you and the ones who cheer for you.

Thank them.  Now thank me.

...and Thanks for reading.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Do You Want To Date Me Or Text me?

In response to @DrJayJack's post, "I Hate Talking On The Phone," I had to remix and run this blog post back...


Let me get right to the point. I’m not a huge fan of text messaging. I don’t hate it, but it’s not my preferred method of communication. I use it when I can’t talk but I don’t use it to replace conversation or to conduct business. So if I’m busy and I MUST text back…I say it in quick text. I also may send a phone number or an address…give a quick update or eta…let someone know to check an email…let someone know I’ve arrived or tell someone my location in a party or at a game so they can find me.

I don’t have issues with informative texts like that because they are simple and to the point. Sometimes you can add a little smiley face to make it more personable or an LOL to ease the tension but otherwise…I don’t want to recap the entire night or give you a list of who showed up over text. reports that the average U.S. mobile phone subscriber now sends and receives more text messages than voice calls. Included in the research are typical U.S. teenagers who send and receive over 1,700 text messages per month.

So does this mean we should all keep up with what seems to be the “hip” and technologically savvy thing to do? Or are we falling behind when it comes to creating, developing and nurturing relationships?

Or are we just too busy to talk?

With Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media websites and Apps, it seems to me that people don’t want to talk! And God forbid someone calls you and you don’t pick up! Oy! Nowadays people won’t leave you a voice mail message but expect you to scroll thru your missed call log just in case none of your new calls bumped them off the list. But wait…what if they aren’t on the missed calls log? How would one know you called?

What annoys me even more is when someone texts me and I don’t reply…they then decide not to call only assuming that I got the text. So you don’t call? So instead of the inviting me over the phone or verbally telling me the story you were dying for me to hear…you send a text…wait 9 days then curse me out for not returning your text?

And what about when it comes to dating? I guess it all depends on how you met the person, right? Or doesn’t it? What are the new rules of communication when it comes to dating or being in a relationship? If you start off texting and I reply, does that mean I’ve given you license to never call me? I know a girl who NEVER spoke to the guy she was dating on the phone. Only time she heard his voice was when they saw each other. I have another friend who convinced herself that it’s easier to communicate with a guy thru text. Her words, “I learn more about guys via text messaging because most of the time they hold back on the phone.” I’m still laughing at one friend who used to swear by it but then after getting disappointed by her habitual texting male friends…she decided that enough was enough. Welcome Home, Liris :)

I’m not saying any of this is false nor am I co-signing it. I’m saying that sh*t doesn’t work for me…PERIOD. I tolerate it to a certain extent but yes, babe...I want to hear your voice. I did some research and found that I’m not alone.

ANONYMOUS 1: I HATE it when guys text me after I give them my number. It’s not a deal breaker but it does seem to send a message that either says he has few social skills, no courtesy, or no time. (Often all 3.) Once I've known him a bit I don't mind it, and actually often prefer it, but at first it’s kind of a put off.
ANONYMOUS 2: I rather talk to you than text you. Calling and talking is like a sign of confidence in my book. I broke up with a girl because all she did was text me even after we kind of gotten to know each other. I don't want to have an important conversation over text. And what if I didn’t get the text? Then what? You going to stare at the phone?
ANONYMOUS 3: Text if you're in a loud club and unable to hear and need to get in contact, but other than that, let her hear your voice.
ANONYMOUS 4: It's good to know that some people still believe in calling and I really think it’s a sign of sincerity. But seems like some people these days just rather do texting. But whatever. I'll play their stupid little game. Perhaps calling and talking has become an old fashioned thing, but something we still need to practice.
ANONYMOUS 5: My 15 year old niece is on a family plan with me. She has about 2800 text messages a month and uses very little phone time. She said that none of her friends email or call. They text and contact each other on Facebook.
ANONYMOUS 6: A guy that sends texts instead of making that initial call is a coward in my book. I'm not a phone person so I keep it short and sweet, but effort counts with me. Some idiot once kept messaging, trying to get ME to call HIM. Needless to say, I stopped responding after the 4th text and he was left wondering why. But he never called. Loser.
ANONYMOUS 7: A lady appreciates the extra effort it takes to text her…and being able to forward it to all her friends so they can laugh at the sender. LOL!
ANONYMOUS 8: I like the personal call. I'm just old school like that, but my peeps know I'm at work 60+ hours a week so they Text me most days and I sent a Voice file back. But if I were a personal with a normal 40 hr/week job, I'd expect you to be calling me and leaving clever little messages.
ANONYMOUS 9: Texting rather than calling seems to be a frequent phenomenon. If a girl can't be bothered to actually call me, though, I don't take her seriously and won't contact her again.
ANONYMOUS 10: If all else fails, grow a damn pair! Communicate with her how you damn feel like it and hopefully you’ll do it by calling. If that doesn’t match her ridic preferences, screw it, you keep going. Just do you. Any girl that is annoyed because you didn't ascertain the correct cryptic phone/texting ratio is not the one for you. Keep moving on. But if you like her that much and are interested enough to stress over this, call her. Why text her if she wants a call? You won’t get her that way. Idiot.
ANONYMOUS 11: Yeah what a habit....texting instead of calling. Sometimes text messages are not reliable, because sometimes we don't get them right away.
ANONYMOUS 12: Here’s an honest answer for you, folks who text don’t want to talk to you. If they like you like that, they will call.
ANONYMOUS 13: I used to talk to this one girl and because I wanted to try and be more gentlemanly, I would call her instead of texting. But most of the time she would not pick up and text me back like 30 mins later and start a convo there. WACK.
ANONYMOUS 14: Real men don't JUST text.
ANONYMOUS 15: I love the random texts to let me know he's thinking about me. But when it's time to catch up on our day or plan to see each other, I want to talk. Why is that bad?
ANONYMOUS 16: Late night texts are the best. I love sexting and her cute hello messages but I'm no dummy! I know she wants to hear my voice and I love how she sounds all happy and shit when I call. I can hear her smiling. So I make time to call.
ANONYMOUS 17: Texting made me hate talking but I still call because I know she wants me to. We do more over text but I can tell the difference when we talk. She likes it.
ANONYMOUS 18: Grown men don't talk on the phone? LOL. Grow up!
ANONYMOUS 19: I love to text and I love to talk on the phone. We can do both.
ANONYMOUS 20: There's no guarantee that I'll get your text, email, facebook or tweet. Call me.

And yes…these are answers from real people!
Now looka here...I’m not reprimanding anyone for their preferred method of communicating. I’m just sharing my thoughts. I don’t know how close we can get over text messaging but I guess one can say the same thing about Facebook and Twitter..unless you send DMs...ummm hmmm.

But it gives you the excuse not to ever pick up the phone, right? And you can send out mass Holiday shout outs with one text. And Facebook tells you when your friend’s birthdays are coming up so now you don’t even have to send out a card. When was the last time you got a birthday card in the mail? Thank GOD I still do. But I sent out a card to a habitual texter and he didn’t even call to say, thank you. He sent a text though ;)



Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dating: The New Hustling Backwards

I've participated in 4 conversations with 4 different friends in the past week about the same damn thing and it's scary! Yes, SCARY because it appears that the current way of "dating" is the new wave and quickly devaluing any type of traditionalism we either were brought up on or have seen in movies. Yeah...movies are somewhat superficial, but there's nothing wrong with wanting and maybe even expecting the nicer side of dating. It's not all make-believe! There was a time when people consistently went on dates, held hands, talked on the phone, and naturally progressed into full fledged romantic relationships. But ready or not...this new thing, this nonchalant thing, this casual unchivalrous and emotionally detached thing is what's turning into the norm.  We don't date anymore! And we also don't have the patience for feelings. Ouch! So what do we do? We just go with a bullshit flow that one party is happy with while the other suffers in silence.

And silence is deadly! Stress can kill you quicker than any Cancer; and being miserable in a faux relationship is a Cancer in itself. But in addition to just sucking it up, there are additional risks you take when NOT complying with this new way of romancing, sans the romance of course. You run the risk of scaring off whomever your faux suitor is because if what you want isn't what he wants, he'll leave you with your face on the floor, heart on your sleeve, a huge chip on your shoulder, bags under your eyes...and ALONE.  You don't want to lose a friend, but what kind of friend forces your hand when it comes to interests of the heart?

But I'll get back to all that...let's talk about the basics.

We're either doing the "meeting up" thing or "coming over to chill" thing...but there is no substance. What happened to actual dating activities that would cause you to put away your cell phone and get to know each other? We don't do that anymore? What about talking? Are we still JUST Texting? Out of all the things we can do, bowling, bike riding, dinner, lunch, the movies, long drives, nice walks, Broadway plays, visits to a museum, amusement park trips, a day at the beach, etc., you mean to tell me all you want to do is "meet up" at a bar for drinks or just come over the house?

And what comes 1st now...the date or sex? Nowadays it seems like it's, let's have sex 1st THEN figure out if we like each other. Or, let's have sex but after sex let me let you know that I'm not looking for a relationship and I hope you can understand that.

WAIT! Then whyyyyyyyyyyyy have sex? Whhhhhhhhhhhat is going on?

Well let me address the latter part because it seems like a lot of my peeps are experiencing the same plays from the same book that some guys seem to rehearse over and over to a point where they believe the bullshit they're selling women. Yeah, you dick-heads disguised as Nice Guys...YOU!

You say you enjoyed the sex but are not ready for a relationship is saying, (how can I say this politely), that we are good enough to fuck but not anything else.

Not putting words in your mouth but for some women it's not a black and white clear cut issue. It's much deeper and could be less complicated if some men used empathy and understood the bigger picture.

There is no goal to be: just a FUCK. Who aspires to be JUST that?  And you can add all the sugar, spice, everything nice and all the flowery words you want, but no matter how you say it...if all you wanted was sex with nothing else and you convey that AFTER sex stings BADLY, it's not cool, and unfortunately is something that can rarely be negotiated.

1st of all, we shouldn't have to negotiate but when the decision is made for us in such an early part of the game, it leaves no room for anything else to be decided.

How can one decide off the bat that you don't want anything else? How does one take away the option before an option has presented itself? No growth, no natural progression, no possibility for anything else but a "good friendship" with an open invitation for more rounds of sex? UGH.

And here is how we save face so that we don't appear wounded or flip out and show you the CRAZY we don't want you to see. We either smile and accept the lower tier level of a relationship that never was because we don't want to lose all of you, or we get mad and end the friendship that probably never was because friends don't do each other like that. You feel me?

And don't get me wrong, fellas...Yes we like sex just as much as you do. YES we most likely want to have sex with you, when you do, all the time. STILL. Like now. Yes.


It's very hard to separate the know, sex AND emotions. And it would be different if an option were given....but from what I'm noticing, it's no options-just sex, an occasional Text, and mayyyybe an invite to an event where it won't be just the 2 of you...take it or leave it! And I don't see many women leaving it...which goes back to what I was saying before. There's a high risk in being honest, right? You may end up singing, "I can do bad all by myself" and be left by your damn self! Lonely, horny but honest with him and yourself.  Which can lead to other annoying sayings that come at the wrong and right the same damn time. You know the cliches! "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to," and my favorite backfiring notable quotable, "honesty is the best policy."

*Deep sigh*

But we can't get mad at honesty, right? Though it stings like a bee, it's far worse to be lied to. But not revealing your intentions upfront is just as bad as a lie and some men are hurting the wrong caliber of women. Not everyone has ill intentions, likes "bad boys" or is a gold digging, Reality show lifestyle living, connoisseur of ratchet, and/or an aficionado of ignorant behavior. And not everyone deserves the same treatment, speeches, games being played or lack of empathy.

So how can everyone be happy? Is there a happy medium? Is compromising actually compromising yourself? How do we get back to substance, dating, liking each other, talking, spending face to face time and too?

Is it really so bad to date or is dating the new hustling backwards?

No I don't have the answers but let's start the dialogue.



Monday, February 25, 2013

Dear Aspiring Hosts, Actors and especially you Models...

You know I luv you all, right?   So let me talk to you for a moment.

I was going thru submissions...per usual, and I have questions.  Actually, I have concerns.  Actually, I need to help you help me to help you!

When you see Casting notices, do you read them or do you just apply without reading what it is and what information is requested?  Do you just send everything your email allows you to attach, then copy and paste your whole life story or do you actually READ?  Do you submit the same 99 photos for every Casting or do you send a few that are deemed appropriate for each project you submit for?

I'm just not understanding why people don't follow directions!   Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

Don’t get me wrong…I'm not mad; but it makes everything more difficult and time consuming when directions are not followed.

For example:
  • ·         If a Casting is age specific, why apply if you do not fit the bill?
  • ·         If it asks for clear candids, why send pictures in sunglasses?
  • ·         If it asks for name, age, contact info and photos, why just send a link and done? We have to now go thru the link to find what we need?

  • ·         If it asks for 4 photos, for example 2 professional and 2 candids, why send 40 photos? Now I have to pick 4? Noooooo! You pick 4 and send them.
  • ·         If the Casting asks for contact info, why send a link with a sentence that says: "Check my website for contact info." Sooooo...I have to now go thru your website to find the CONTACT tab when the same sentence you sent could have included your number?
Hol' up! Hol' up!

Why are you giving Casting Directors more work? 

I’ll be honest…I delete submissions like that because they come off as arrogant.  Plus, sometimes I don’t have time to take a tour of websites.  Sorry.  But the solution is simple…READ.  A lot of times these notices and postings are not asking for much, and guess what?  If we like you, we will ask for more!

You gotta trust me on this!

Don't blow your chances because you don't feel like reading and following directions...And while I'm in "Don't” mode!

Don't send this: "Contact me for my info" You mean the info I asked for initially in the posting that you did not include?  Deleted!

If in your photo we can tell that it's a wig...Not because we don't think it's possible to grow hair but because of how it is sitting on top of your head...don't  submit that photo.  EVER.

If you are all greasy faced in your photo, don't send that one no matter how cute of a face you think you are making.  Someone you know MUST know how to use photo shop.  They can digitally blot your face.  Ask around or Google how to do it yourself.

And hey Moms who Model...don't send photos of you and your child if it’s not a Casting for mothers and their babies. 

Aspiring Models…don't send photos of you in a group and include instructions on how to figure out which one you are. Befriend a photographer or buy a camera and get someone to take your photos.

By the way…if it's Extra work, there's a HUGE chance that you will NOT be flown out for it.  Just being honest.  Applying from abroad or from a state with a different time zone is cool but think about it before submitting to a Casting that isn't local or is a plane ride away.  You’ll waste your time and the Casting Director’s if you can’t be there for the job. So don't do it if you can't do it!

And last but not least…a more serious issue!  Why do some of you keep sending naked or half naked photos for every Casting?

No matter what it is...from HGTV to MTV to BET to Hosting gigs for HLN or MSG! Whyyyy do you keep submitting Playboy/KingMagazine/SmoothMagazine/BendMeOver type photographs?  Who is telling any of you to send naked or damn near photos for these Castings?  And if your Agents/Managers are sending all these butt and half naked shots, you may want to chat with them.


How about you go buy some magazines and try different poses and different looks? If you want big gigs, think bigger than magazines that exploit asses. Not that anything is wrong with ass! Haha!

But try visiting Magazine shops or book stores and pick up one or some of these options: Vogue. Bazaar. GQ. Nylon. Elle. Glamour. V. Seventeen. Teen Vogue. Allure. Cosmo. Marie Claire. ID. L’Officiel. W. Kouture. Runway. Black Book. Wallpaper. Hint. Wonderland

And if you want to do Gap Ads, set up a fake Gap Shoot and have those type of photos taken by a professional photographer. You want to do Victoria’s Secret?  Stop with the coochie shots, match your bra and panties or cute boy short set and stand tall, not legs spread!

I’m sharing this because I care and love what I do. I'm in this for the long haul.  Are you?  So let's do this the right way...together.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Sorry! I'm Fresh Out of Dots To Connect

Sooooo….I just finished listening to a friend vent to me about being used and left for dead in this wonderful entertainment industry of ours.  An industry unlike any other because it's supposed to be fun, nontraditional, free-spirited, flexible, exciting, exclusive, fabulous., etc.

*Deep breath*

But it seems like entertainment is structured more like corporate 9 to 5s with the back stabbing, using, betrayal, selfishness and my favorite: forgetfulness.

Forgetfulness out of convenience.

Then there is no accountability and also the fear of backlash if you let them know that what was done or how it was done was completely unacceptable.  So nothing is said!  Then "we" make promises to ourselves that we won't ever do THAT again or ever help such-n-such again.  So now we're changing our own behavior because of their behavior!?!?!


Well…change is good; however, if you are naturally a nice, giving, and helpful person who sincerely likes seeing others win, that internal battle is a rough road to travel.

Truuuuuust me!

I curse people out in my head DAILY!  But I'm helping people out DAILY! Sometimes expecting no “thank you” or kind gesture in return because well…people don't do for you unless it's convenient for them or better yet...they just don’t do the reciprocity thing anymore.  It’s not stylish, I guess. (Insert sarcasm here)

So you know what?  I never thought I'd say this but maybe charging people for a connect or help isn't such a bad thing.  I have friends being used for introductions and connections only to be cut out of the equation by opportunists who now thrive because of it. 

How rude!

But don’t get me wrong, I know that certain gestures should not come with a price-tag, however...if you're eating off of someone else's nice gesture while they starve, you're a f*cked up, conniving, selfish, grimy, dirty little troll...and if you act like a stranger, you should pay like one.

Let’s be honest!

Now understand that reciprocation isn't always monetary.  You do not have to give money.  But how are you producing events or shows or getting clients from someone else's contact but don't even part your lips to say thank you or maybe give them an invitation to your now wonderful production? 

For shame!

No one says thank you anymore. Sad but true! Now it's just, "do you know xyz? Can you introduce me to abc? I want to produce an event or do you think I should execute?"


Then they get it all done from you helping them and/or your relationship you’ve built for yourself…and the sound of crickets follow.


...and most of these horror stories I’m hearing involve women being the culprits!  Now I know we all have 1 or 2 selfish user guy friends too, but this is about WOMEN.  Listen…we're already all allegedly catty and petty as it is. But this, my dear(s) is unbecoming of a lady.

Please and Thank you should be second nature…it’s our specialty!  Follow-up phone calls, Thank-you-cards, and little thoughtful gifts just to say, I appreciate you…we invented that shit! 

What happened?

Now I see why some people charge a la cart for information or deny knowing certain people! Holding on to contacts tight! I get it now! Why? Because if we help you eat, we have to eat too. And if I struggle or starve while you benefit from knowing me yet you conveniently forget me, then something has got to change...and that has to start with me.

Sooooo nothing personal, no hard feelings, no shade intended, not trying to spoil your fun! But ummm, uh, errrr...I'm fresh out of dots to connect.  Sorry! No more help and "for the love" gestures to give.  I'm only giving out daps and hugs.  Connect your own dots.