Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm Swaaaaaaaamped!

 #IndustryPeopleMantra "I'm Swamped" or "I've been swamped."
 Stop lying!
Dear Industry Liar:

You haven't been "swamped." You've been practicing the art of appearing busy which I like to call, "The appearance of busy."

You're on Twitter and Facebook talking about how busy you've been, how you have no time to talk and how you have no time to eat, sleep or vacation.


But you're at the same Industry events as everyone else, drinking from the same open-bar that you happen to get to before it turns into an all cash bar, making fake Industry lunch and brunch dates, quietly skimming thru social media posts others have made...all while complaining about how busy you’ve been lately.

Stop the Bloodclaatt lying!

Real swamped people don't complain about being swamped. They're making deals, cutting checks, cashing checks, and Tweeting shit like, "So how's the weather?" or "Be the best you that you can be" or "Have any of you read the new book by so and so?"

And if you're so swamped and "busy" making deals and "Boss" movements...why are you loud about it? Why is every other story about how you're "doing big things"?

The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room. If you were so swamped, why scream about it?  You're "killin' 'em" in the game? But no one plans a murder out loud.

So are you really and truly swamped or in your living room concocting a story about how you've been too swamped to check in?

And don't get me wrong…we know you're at some of these hot events or on a plane to a convention or a celebrity weekend get-a-way. But then you complain about time zones and how you won't get much sleep cause you'll be busy being swamped. You barely have time to figure out what to wear!

Poor baby!

But swamped people don't Tweet or Facebook their struggles of having multiple meetings, changing time-zones or no time to pack for a trip. They arrive. The end.

And the swamped person is a f*cking magician, aren't they!?! Ever notice how they go to 3 events in one night, have dinner with family, read a new book, take an overnight business trip, see a play on Broadway and guest-Blog for an on-line magazine...swiftly and quietly like a Ninja. 

Another cool thing about the swamped person is they give back. Some how, some way thru advice, a connect, or a quick email on what they need in order to make whatever you need happen...and it will include parameters, guidelines and suggestions.

The fake busy Industry person NEVER calls back but it's not because it's personal…it's because they’re faking being busy. So their excuse(s)? "I don't check voice mail" or "I didn't get your message" or "I got a new phone" or "I'm swamped!"

But swamped people aren't too busy to check voice mail or return emails because they know there's money in the messages.

The Fake Busy Industry person Tweets and Facebooks about having 149 missed calls and 68 messages they haven't checked. Lol! You counted them all during your busy schedule? 

Soooooooo why are you Tweeting or Facebook statusing? Is it Retweets or "Likes" you seek? Or are you passively and aggressively looking for someone to compliment you on how fake successful you are despite your fake busy life?

Let's be real…The Industry is big but the Networks are small. You don't have to front for Social Media.

We see you!

The economy blows, budgets are tighter than years ago, and yes...although some are thriving well regardless of how everyone else is doing, you, my dear are not.

...because if you were "swamped" you wouldn't take any of this personally. Right?

Ok gotta go! I’m swaaaaaaaaaaaaaamped!

Love, Mocha ;)


  1. didn't want to be 1st but I have to go to bed. You went IN!!!!!!!! And when I saw you Tweet it I knew it would be good. Thanks again for your honesty, these lame fake busy folks on twitter get on my nerves too!

  2. Mr. Dark ChocolateJuly 24, 2012 at 1:41 AM

    My Favorite part: But swamped people don't Tweet or Facebook their struggles of having multiple meetings, changing time-zones or no time to pack for a trip. They arrive. The end.

    They arrive. Yes we do. Good post.

  3. Loooooooooooooooooooooooool! Tell them!

  4. Yes Mademoiselle they are the ones that are always networking but no net worth.

  5. Funny,honest and true!

  6. LMAO. They arrive. The End.

  7. Post this shit over and over again! Bravo bitch!

  8. This is such a good post. I love how you break down the truths none of us like to admit!

  9. True and real!All people should stop complaining about being busy and do the work instead of shouting out loud, who cares anyway? Boasting about it wit no results doesnt get someone far, better silently do ur things but getting somewhere, it will speak for itself

  10. Thank you for saying this. Folks on Twitter annoy me with all of that.

  11. Hilarious and true!

  12. They call it being swamped...if its really what you do you don't have to brag and boast about it, if its what you do people already know, it speaks for itself. Humble yourself and just do what you do.
