Saturday, January 2, 2010

Five Things That Make Me Want To Marry Him Instantly

Just before Christmas a Twitter-Friend of mine wrote an interesting short list of things that would make him marry a woman “instantly.” Besides the fact that I’m a fan of his writing, I appreciated how his list was short and to the point.

I’ve noticed throughout my dating years how some guys like the simple things. Some men can be a little less high maintenance compared to the stereotypical “demanding” woman. I’ve also noticed that it can be a bit easier to please a man if we are more accommodating and less “confrontational, defensive and high maintenance.”


Well my response to his blog isn’t to let men off the hook! I do love it when I come across a guy who isn’t fussy, vain, too particular, or judgmental when it comes to women and dating. But the truth of the matter is…I meet more guys who are less than accommodating because they assume that ALL women are “confrontational, defensive & high maintenance.”


My list of things that would make me marry HIM instantly is to let some of you guys know that just like we all don’t wear the same size shoes…we all don’t fall under these stereotypes. Hello? So don’t go messing it up for yourself thinking I’m like your EX or to put it s.i.m.p.l.e…You may miss out on a good thing, thinking the wrong things.

You might also need to know that just because a woman may be single, independent and confident doesn’t mean we don’t want to be cared for or that you’ll never be needed. I’ve never been the type to f*ck with a man’s ego…So don’t play yourself thinking a strong woman can’t be a sweet one or not in need of your time and affection.

But back to my list! I was recently asked what I want from a man and was advised to be direct and firm. After seeing my Twitter-friend’s list of 5 things, I then decided to jot down my wants as well. So here it is…

(In no particular order), My Five things that make me want to marry HIM instantly:


And that’s fine with me! Even as a child I’ve never been into the huge wallet busting, 16 bridesmaids and a $10K dress with the 12ft train in the South of France type of wedding. There’s no need to gather up all his male friends to pair up with my single girlfriends to have them walk down the aisle with matching cummerbunds & dresses they’ll never wear again. I’d be happy with an intimate wedding that turns into an outdoor picnic with a sexy reception later that night that will feel like we’re at the club. But there’s one catch…I gotta hire the DJ.


I don’t know what’s in the water but I keep meeting guys who either don’t follow sports or they love it for vanity reasons. I went to a game with a guy and he spent most of it on the celly shouting out his friends & bragging about the fact that we had courtside seats. No bueno.

But listen…we don’t even have to like the same teams! I’m cool with him being down with the NFC while I cheer for the AFC. He can love the Lakers while I pray for the Knicks. He doesn’t even have to be a diehard sports fan! But if we can debate quarterbacks once in a while or go to games where HIS team plays against mine…I may marry him.


I just hung out with a guy who jumped out of the car at a red light to dance while the radio station was playing Dancehall! (Insert Jamaican Horn sound effect.) Okay, okay…I don’t expect everyone to do this but someone THAT comfortable with letting his guard down is a champion in my book. But there’s a difference between uninhibited and crazy…and crazy is NOT what I’m talking about. I’m not into daredevils & extreme risk takers. But a person who trusts me enough to be himself in front of me is très cool and sexy.

Now let me explain my cool and sexy: I’m a morning person who sings in the shower, and loves duets! (...Hint hint!) I play board games and I hope he’s into Scrabble. (Taboo, Jenga, Monopoly, Twister?) I like to read dirty books in bed and may want us to read them together. :) I’m okay with public displays of affection. Spontaneous road trips, getting drunk together in the comfort of our own home or having a picnic at a museum are all my speed. And he and I in our pajamas, dancing in the living room at 2:30 in the morning is a win win situation. Add some Moscato to the picture and he’s got himself a wifey who’ll cook for him in the nude wearing high heels & an apron that says: Kiss the Cat ;)


As much as I love regular 9-5 dudes, it’s been hard for me to not only meet them but to get them to believe that I am not “industry.” Although I still have ladders to climb and things to accomplish to get to the next level, I’ve come across many jealous and insecure guys because of what my life may sometimes appear to be.

Just because I’m hugging some famous guy on Facebook doesn’t mean I slept with that famous guy. Nowadays I won’t even add a new guy to my Facebook list so that assumptions won’t be made based on photos in my albums or pictures I’m “tagged” in from friends. I’ve been accused of things very opposite of my nature and character and have dated “industry” guys thinking it’d be easier since their lifestyle may compliment mine.

But everything that glitters ain’t gold and everyone who works in the entertainment industry isn’t “Hollywood,” PAID, or the relationship type. My true friends know that my Stunner Shades come from the GAP, not Gucci…and “industry” dudes aren’t always the best remedy when you really want someone “chill” who cares about Y.O.U and not what you do.

So if he just relaxes, he can enjoy the perks without worrying about what he thinks I may have done to get us tickets, VIP status, or an unexpected upgrade. And if I say he’s JUST a friend, believe ME…not the song.


Yes I said it and I believe it! Chivalry is NOT dead because I met it face to face and fell in love with it. Now I can’t live without it and I refuse to go back to selfish, inattentive, vulgar, and c.l.u.e.l.e.s.s! But for various reasons that would take another blog post to address…these rumors that “Chivalry is dead” are running rampant! And men who haven’t dealt with women who demand and deserve it are on a rise. Now because of this epidemic, men are doing the minimum…and the minimum doesn’t make him marriage material.

Chivalry isn’t just about opening doors and sending flowers. It's a whole attitude of treating a woman with respect and gentility…From helping me out the car, to calling when he says he will, to listening while I’m telling him an in-depth story. And there’s nothing wrong with picking me up for our date and making sure I get home safely. How about helping me put on my coat or help carry my bags? Things as simple as checking on me during a storm make me feel thought of and cared for. Doing without asking…it’s really THAT simple people!

And I love a man who pays attention to the little things! It’s the little things that mean so much to us women…TRUST. A guy once bought me a brand new bottle of my favorite perfume after he noticed the bottle on my dresser was low. (Automatic moisture!) And once after I was complaining about a warning light in the car, a guy came over, checked under the hood, changed the oil & put air in my tires. Nice…

I firmly believe that if more chivalry was used in modern day dating, some men would get less resistance from women and more of that cooperation I hear some of them complain about not getting. They say you get more with honey than vinegar and I agree. So try it and you may like the results!


So that’s it folks! That’s my list. I don’t think everyone needs a list in order to have a successful relationship or marriage but I do believe you should have an idea of what you want or don’t want. And stand your ground! Don’t second guess yourself. Never feel bad for what you believe in or how you feel you should be treated. And anyone who makes you feel bad about being you or wanting the best for yourself is not worth the time…or a list.

Now all I need is a chivalrous, secure, uninhibited, goofball who loves sports and wants a simple wedding. I found one but he’s fussy, vain, too particular and judgmental! Ugh!

Back to the drawing board!


Shout out to @jozenc


  1. Haha. It is cute.

  2. So true! It's the little things. This year I refuse to believe my standards are too high. All I ask for are the little things. On point as usual Claudia!

  3. The Jamaican horn line is funny. LMAO

  4. Gap Stunner Shades! Funny girl you are indeed. Keep them coming. I may get you that ring.

  5. I remember you tweetin about a dude willy bouncing at a red light! Bwahahaha! Great blog miss jean. Youre very entertaining. Keep the blogs coming!

  6. This is good! Thanks!

  7. You forgot:
    6. Great pipegame
    7. Stacks of Euros

  8. Miss Jean!!! Di blog bad bad bad .. I love it :D I love your list these are def requirements especially the goofy part and you KNOW how I feel about the Chivalry all in all Awesome blog you did it again girl :)

  9. I loveeeeeeeeeee this lol. I wish my hubby would actually pay attention to a lot of things i like but he doesn't. Much love girlie :)

  10. Awesome and so freakin cute.

  11. LMAO how she gonna add 6 & 7 if the list is 5? LMAO!


  12. This was good and not too demanding. I know women who need to trim their lists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. "Back to the drawing board!" Bwahahahahaha! Too funny @hellomissjean I love your blog and tweets.

  14. Always love your perspectives and for MEN, they should be encouraging (that is for MEN who "get it"). You always hear how women like BAD BOYS so guys act like BAD BOYS. We need to hear more from REAL GIRLS that like REAL GUYS. Don't keep writing these blogs though cuz I don't need more guys "getting" it. I prefer to be one of the few who do ;) I do however think more WOMEN ALSO need to be more real and ask themselves who they want; a "bad boy" or a "good guy". Seems you have answered that question for yourself already Miss Jean! It is the little things but still many women don't appreciate them or even recognize them when they come. As a man, that is what I look for. If she can't see or appreciate, then I know where this is heading! Great work and as ALWAYS, a very entertaining read too. Made me forget about football for a few minutes :)

  15. Your 5 things make me want to marry you instantly. I may need to snatch you up quick!

    Good read Miss jean

  16. I'm not mad at your list at all!

  17. I liked this a lot!

  18. You're right. Most women I know accept the minimum. They don't care how I treat them as long as I call, we fuck, and we go out every once in a while. There's no substance and I don't put in a whole bunch of effort. But I will for the right one. I'm glad to see some women like yourself know what you want.

  19. yea but there are alot of women who don't appreciate things of that sort that mess it up. The line that i hear is he is mr right but not mr right now....what a shame

  20. On point.
    On point!

    I wouldn't mind doing any of the things you listed with or for my girl. Only thing is finding a woman that's worth putting the effort in for. Cause you got a multitude of women in today's society who confuse being respectful for having no backbone, so they take him for granted or they look past him & go for the dude who's obviously in a more primative class of the male pyramid.

    Alot of sistas can learn a few things from reading this. You finna get some free promotion from me!

  21. This is a simple list that will get him sooo far. It's not much that we ask, be real, be endearing, be chivarlist. Be for us and not the show.

  22. yes, yes, is the little things. i heart this post! ~tanika

  23. Love your blog. Been reading it for a while now. I hope you meet someone great. If you haven't already. Crossing my fingers and praying for you (and myself). I'm trying not to lose hope. There are good men out there. You're right chivalry is not dead. There are just some assholes out there that don't care about how they treat women. That's life...every man is not perfect and I don't judge all men by a couple of jerks.

  24. Naked with heels on! Kiss the cat! You so nasty! I love you!

  25. After meeting you a few times I actually believe this blog post. Stand your ground baby girl. He's going to be LUCKY! (Your friend from Tillmans)

  26. I love it go girl I think I found a winning ticket hmmmm :-)

  27. LMAO! You're gonna be praying for the Knicks for a long time ma! Good read though. I liked it.

  28. Getting smashed at the crib with my girl is a win win! School these girls miss jean! They too uptight!

  29. I'm cool with everything you have on this list. Especially cooking in the nude and reading dirty books! I'm not sure if every woman I meet deserves chivalry but I understand where your coming from. But these women are so desperate they don't even care about fucking on day one. They doing whatever to keep us but we are paying more attention than ya'll think. Not saying if we fuck day 1 I'm out but we can tell if you have an agenda. If I feel pressure I'm fucking then I'm out.


  31. Good job on the list!

  32. Great post CJ! Its funny I saw Up In The Air w/ George Clooney this weekend and an older woman was talking to a younger woman and told her that as you get older your list changes from looks, income, height etc requirements to very simple things such as a kind smile, polite, funny, thoughtful, etc. Your list reminds me of that scene in the movie, as difficult as dating is these days, your "list" should be about the little things that just make you happy. Happiness trumps everything else. Good job!

  33. great article now i need to make 1 :)

  34. Yes I can vouch for your goofiness and uninhibitedness. When you busted out in song that time in my car I thought you were crazy but then I realized you were trying to make me laugh after a hard day. But a Whitney Houston song? LMAO!!!!!! But all jokes aside you are a good person, mostly misunderstood and very under appreciated. I hope you find a good man or better yet I hope he finds you. But I'm glad I found a good friend and I may snatch you up if my chick keeps acting up. Real talk nigga!

  35. Awww I love this. This was cute. I'll admit I'm difficult to deal with sometimes. But I'm going to try and use more honey instead of that vinegar!

  36. Love it! Good job!

  37. Dancing in your pajamas at 2:30 am is so cute. The little things really do make us happy. I love this girl! Ana

  38. OMG This was great!!! Men should read this to get an idea as to what we actually look for. Actually, I think every woman should make a list like this and present it to potential candidates. LMAO See how many are left standing.

  39. This was very well put, straight to the point and truthful in so many ways!

    Brooke Bailey

  40. Great blog! Well written and to the point. Stand your ground is right mama! I'm with you 100 %!


  41. I thought this was going to be some crazy list of weird or unattainable things you women usually reach for but I liked it. Not mad at all. Good job.

  42. Dennis L. Morgan Jr.January 4, 2010 at 5:26 PM

    No where on here did you say we have to make a certain amount of money or drive a certain car. Okay so what's your ring size?

  43. Well said! I love this!

  44. Good for you chica. I like your list and look forward to more posts!

  45. Not really a blog reader but I found this very interesting..filled with humor but it was very sincere and everything you is valid ..

  46. I loved this Ms. Jean! As an easy-going chick, that can be silly at times, and has a great love for sports, I also keep coming across men that don't watch sports at all, and for me that's a huge turn-off. Finding a man that exemplifies all of those qualities may be a long shot, but just like you, I'd marry him instantly.

  47. Here, here! Nicely done. No compromise, no tears..... He's out there.
