Okay…maybe I’m asking the wrong questions and may not word all of this correctly…but…uhh…Why are none of the lead characters in the movie,"He’s Just Not That Into You" black? Now I’m not trying to use my Obama Card on this one but I’m saying…..
I have the book. I LOVE the book. I even had the chance to do casting/recruiting for The Greg Behrendt Show…even though it was short-lived. (He’s the author by the way.)
So after finding out that a movie would be produced based on the book…I was excited! I’m not saying this book is the Bible…and although it took me a minute to read it even after meeting the author and getting my free copy…when I read it I felt like I’ve missed out on a whole lot of information I could have used earlier in life. Dammit.
But this isn't about me right now. I’m trippin’ because none of the lead characters are black. Period. Not one…NOT ONE! And I don't get it. Black people don't have relationship issues? We can't relate to the book? First of all the book is like a How to NOT guide for women and how we can sometimes be stupidly oblivious to the obvious. Basically saying…that MotherF#$%^&r is just not into you! He doesn't want you girl! He isn't feeling you. YOU ARE NOT THE ONE…He’s NOT calling because he doesn't want to.
So when Abby Kohn and Marc Silverstein wrote the script based on the book…was there a reason all of the main characters casted were white?
Okay I understand that the movie houses want to make their money and want BLOCKBUSTER and DRAW-FOLKS-TO-THE-MOVIE-THEATER actors and actresses on the squad. Okay. So you get a blockbuster chick to be an Executive Producer…(Drew Barrymore) and you get some other blockbuster actors to get on board and guarantee ticket sales. Ben Affleck, Jennifer Anniston, Jennifer Connelly, Scarlett Johansson, Kevin Connolly…okay. But there were a few slots to fill for leads and they didn’t cast ONE black person. Now there are a few “supporting” cast members who “represent” in the movie. (You know we play “friends” of leads every now and then.) There is also a girl who plays a waitress and a few girls cast as “African Girl” 1, 2 and 3.
But I’m trying to figure out why none of us could have played lead? “Us” meaning a black person because I don't act. And since I’m in love with CASTING...things like this bother me. Michael Ealy, Queen Latifah, Mehki Phifer, Aisha Tyler, Morris Chestnut, Gabrielle Union, Kerry Washington, Golden Brooks, Malinda Williams, Regina King, Blair Underwood, Omar Epps, Tracee Ellis Ross….I mean daaaayum! None of them could have played the role of a person who is having issues with dating or how to date or how to get the hint?
And the Table of Contents of the book do NOT include color, race, ethnicity, size, shape, or form. Let’s check and see:
1. He’s Just Not That into you if He’s Not Asking You Out
2. He’s Just Not That into you if He’s Not Calling You
3. He’s Just Not That into you if He’s Not Dating You
4. He’s Just Not That into you if He’s Not Having Sex With You
5. He’s Just Not That into you if He’s Having Sex With Someone Else
6. He’s Just Not That into you if He Only wants to See You When He’s Drunk
7. He’s Just Not That into you if He Doesn’t Want to Marry You
8. He’s Just Not That into you if He’s Breaking Up With You
9. He’s Just Not That into you if He Disappeared on You
10. He’s Just Not That into you if He’s Married (and Other Insane Variations of Being Unavailable)
11. He’s Just Not That into you if He’s a Selfish Jerk, a Bully, or a Really Big Freak
So not only can I relate to a few of the contents…but I know black women and men who qualify, can testify, and undoubtedly play the role of anyone in this movie who is supposed to be playing anyone based on the book.
And don’t get me wrong…I’m going to see it. I’m going to see it and probably will like it. I like quite a few movies that I feel could have had a black person as a lead, but may appeal to a majority white demographic.
I LOVED the movie, “The Devil Wears Prada” but Anne Hathaway did NOTHING for me. And side note…In real life...I know sooooo many young black women who work in fashion and who are not only living the life that parallel’s the life the lead character lived in that movie…but they can spot trends, style shoots, sometimes are the only black person on staff and they hold down the wants, needs, and outrageous requests of these “Miranda Priestly” clones in the fashion industry. But a black girl probably wouldn't have brought in Anne Hathaway numbers, right? Is it all about the dollar figure? And maybe a black girl kissing on that cutie from HBO’s ENTOURAGE would still NOT go over too well with the audiences who supported the movie. (He played Anne Hathaway’s man.)
And what about “Bride Wars”? Did anyone see that? I understand the premise and I too would probably beat my best friend’s a** if she thought she was going to be the one to get married at my dream venue after we both accidentally got booked for the same spot on the same day…but the lead actresses were white. Not sure who you can close your eyes and imagine playing the leads but when I close my eyes I can see 2 beautiful and funny as hell black women battle it out to make sure that their day remains THEIR day. Maybe Nia Long? Maybe Jada? Taraji? Hell…maybe even throw in Eva Mendes so folks won't label it a “Black Movie.” But instead it was Anne Hathaway…again…YAWN…and Kate Hudson who also does NOTHING for me. However, I did like “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” but could have seen someone else in that role too. Some black women lose guys in less than 10 days…okay?
So let me get back to my original point. I feel that more black actresses and actors need to be considered and sent scripts for some of the movies that don't necessarily appeal to our demo. For me it’s not about a role for a black person either…what I’m saying is if the character doesn't have to be white…then why should the actor be?
I guess it all comes down to the “blockbuster” actors and actresses that draw ticket sales. But what does that say about us? Do we not draw ticket sales? Do we have to only do Tyler Perry Movies? I’m happy for the ones who get to be part of a non-traditional black cast which gives them an opportunity to show the world their talent. Love it. (Taraji is doing it.) Hale has been doing it and demanded it. Will Smith plays characters now…not just the black guy who happens to be….I love it. But some actors aren't at that level yet and deserve the opportunity to just act…not just be the black person in the white movie playing the role that requires the character to be black.
You get it?
Side and ending note: Not saying I’m a fan or not a fan…but Megan Good could definitely be the chick in “Confessions of a Shopaholic.” (Release Date Feb. 13th.)
And another side note…maybe relative…maybe not…But ya’ll know that LIVING SINGLE was the Original Sex in the City, right? Khadijah was Carrie…(the Writer) Maxine was the cold ass emotional-less Miranda…(the Lawyer) Régine was Samantha…(the vixen) And Synclaire James was Charlotte…(the Miss goodie goodie, naïve, sweet innocent neutral one)
Claudia...I'm just sayin'