Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Bullshit About The Truth!

Honesty is an Active Verb, not a Passive Noun. Go out of your way to be truthful, beginning with things that you say to yourself ~ Joe Tye

Easier said than done! So guess what? I've finally conceded! Yes...I give up. I quit. No mas! I've had enough! And sincere apologies to anyone who has ever argued definitively that people can't handle the truth. I think you may be right.

Truth is the most feared Noun in life...after DEATH. The truth is being dismissed, shot down, un-researched, unaccepted and given the middle finger to save lives, love, friendships and certain circumstances held together by lies.

But I actually still believe that the truth is better for me than being lied to. I don't like to have my options taken away from me. Let me decide! Give me the benefit of the doubt. Trust that even though it may hurt me, the truth is better for me.

And don't get me wrong...people close to me have spoken up about certain behavior or personality traits they've been uncomfortable with and have held noooooooo punches. I prefer it that way! I've been called bossy, stubborn, sensitive, brash, long-winded, some-timey, and other adjectives to my face. And even after humbly and hesitantly crawling into a hole just big enough for me and my bruised ego, I think about what's been said and observed and make honest efforts to adjust.

Pinky swear!

No one I know likes to be called out. No one I know likes to hear ugly truths about themselves. But sometimes it's necessary! Necessary for growth. How will you be a better person to yourself and others if you don't grow? Maybe it's that good ole fashioned excuse quite a few people know the one, right? "You can't teach an old dog new tricks!" Or the militant and defiant, "this is how I am and I'm not going to change."

I can understand that to a certain extent. Once you're comfortable with yourself, it can be difficult to start changing up to please others. But it's deeper than that and periodically not recognized as important enough. Why? Because egos are being put ahead of the feelings of others. But what if what you are doing hurts them? What if it hurts yourself? What if no one has ever "checked" you because it can hurt the relationship or friendship?


What if it's because you can't handle the truth...or you're too immature to receive it?


And now I'm STUCK. There are more truths I've found myself keeping to myself in the past year than ever before...because truth is killing relationships!

Lately, I've been about that, speak-now-or-forever-hold-your-peace way of life....and I've been holding it!  I can't tell the truth anymore. Doesn't mean I'm habitually lying, (that's not what I'm saying.) I'm saying that honesty hasn't been the best policy matter how softly I cushion the blow.

So like I said...I'm stuck. Has this ever happened to you? Do you suppress your opinions and solicited advice for the sake of peace? I'm not talking professional relationships or virtual bonds on Twitter and Facebook either! This blog post is about real-life friends and family you CAN'T tell the truth to.

My High School Bestie was a bit of a whore. Naw...she was a whore. My mom called it, my homeboys took advantage of it, my other home-girls hated it, and I knew it. But I'd always say, "no" when she'd ask me if I thought she was one. Damn I shouldn't have lied! But one of the reasons she's happily married today is because of how immediate she slept with her husband. He stopped her whore-ish ways but should I have?

More recently at an event, a friend told me that my breath was stinking and handed me some gum. Mind you, I had just brushed my teeth before leaving the damn office so I was perplexed...but grateful. My heart dropped a little when she said it but with the same nasty smelling breath, I thanked her for her honesty. Plus I would've been sooooo embarrassed if instead of hugs and kisses, people turned away because my breath was burning their eye balls.

That may not be a big deal to some, but I'll never forget that. You know how many bad breaths I come across? You know how many times offering gum does NOT work? It was a small gesture, plus she offered a solution; not just criticism followed by possible ridicule.

But again...I digress. This isn't totally about superficial circumstances like how slutty a friend looks in a dress that is too damn small or how you really hate your dude's haircut. (Even though you should be honest in those situations too! LOL!) I'm talking bigger truths that can lead to hurt, confusion and sometimes...resentment.

It's hellish being in situations where you can't speak freely! We are living in a society where being delicate is somewhat a waste of time. I used to be able to hit 'em with a preamble that would "break the ice" and allow me to be expressive without concern that once we were done talking, we might NOT be ok. I've even gone above and beyond by taking partial blame! I've also given examples of other people's plights just so the scenario could be a relatable segue to discussing the truth of the moment. But I don't live in that world anymore.

People are more stressed, emotional, angry, resentful, stubborn, selfish and CRAZIER than ever before. Blame it on the Recession, broken relationships, broken hearts, daily day-to-day struggles and of course...that EGO. So I find myself playing it safe. But is that fair? Is it fair to me or you or whomever else the particular truth may effect?

I won't drink or eat anything from a homey of mine because she keeps a nasty house. A friend once told me, "no one likes to hear anything about their kids because you're criticizing their parenting", so I say nothing about her kid's behavior. A colleague smokes cigarettes all the time and STINKS all of the time! Breaking News: Perfume, Cologne, and mints do NOT help Smokers. So I stand at a distance when I talk to her and I don't ride with her a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e.

My sister, who has NEVER been able to hold back her truths about me, just recently told a mutual friend that this year, she will be "more selfish than ever before." But the general consensus is that she is already abundantly selfish and often hard to stomach; but no one will dare say that to her face...and if they did, she wouldn't care.

I used to get into arguments all the time with someone I love because of how he treated me over the years. Instead of listening, he'd get extremely defensive, disrespectful and callous. So now I keep a distance because he is THE perfect example of, "this is how I am and I'm not going to change" with a dash of "deal with it" and a sprinkle of Kanye West Shrugs on top.

I have another friend whose boyfriend annoys the shit out of everyone. She doesn't want to hear it and if the subject does come up, the interrogation process mirrors a deposition causing nothing but further discomfort and regret. So what do I do? Smile! You know why? Because the truth can become awkward and misinterpreted when spoken out loud.

But who can live like this?

I just wrote a "Dear John" or should I say, "Dear Joan" letter to a friend I could not tell any truths to. This was the 1st time ever in my life that I've come across someone who defiantly rebuffs the truth on all counts and blames EVERYTHING on EVERYONE else. Shit! Even when I'm defensive I find where I made a foul. Her belligerence, combativeness and foul mouth left no room for true friendship. But I couldn't even tell her this...I had to write it down and deliver it in a card like she was a man I was breaking up with. SMH. I was unhappy around her. My spirit was battered. So when the lies she was living began to effect me was time to go.

Nasty habits, stank attitudes, selfish behavior, questionable parenting, bad hygiene, gross misconduct, rubbing folks the wrong way, lack of respect for others, lack of home-training, and lies! Either I'm shitty at Casting my real-life friends or I'm more forgiving than I need to be. Or could it be that without lies, the ability to let things go,"sugar-coating", and the art of minding-your-own business, we would all be lonely and have NO friends who in essence deal with and regularly forgive our bullshit too?

So what say you? Would you tell a friend that you were uncomfortable sitting on their toilet or snitch on their child? Would you tell your lazy friend that she is lazy? Is sucking-it-up the best solution when friends bring outsiders you CAN'T STAND into your circle? And how comfortable and often would you explain to a friend who has no regard for feelings that how they talk to people is not acceptable? Could you keep it real with your friend about how putting random men before her kid might not be a good idea? What if you don't like your friend's music, blog, artwork or way of life....would you tell them? And do you accept family and not hold them accountable for the sake of Family?

Tell the truth! Would YOU want to hear the truth? It hurts and often cuts both ways. And I'm noticing that more and more messengers of the truth suffer worse than the actual offenders! So is it better to be hurt by the raw truth or be comfortably deceived?  And when you blame and criticize others, are you avoiding some truth about yourself?

Hey...I don't have all of the answers, but in college I was taught that all truth passes thru 3 stages. 1st, it is ridiculed. 2nd, it is violently opposed, and's accepted as self-evident.

Sounds about right!

But no cliches or famous quotes can erase that feeling you get after finding out you've been lied to. And nothing takes away that unnerving feeling you get in the bottom of your stomach when you hold back how you feel from someone you care about.

With that being a not-so-perfect-world, I'd rather be hated for telling the truth than loved for feeding you lies. But in THIS world? This world right here? This cold, unforgiving, politically incorrect, sympathy deficient world....I think I may take it easy.

So in conclusion...I promise to tell some of the truth, not the whole truth and nothing but the Bullshit Truth....So help me God.


Claudia Mocha Jean


  1. Well got damn! LOL!

  2. I'm always honest I don't care if it hurts my friends feelings.They gotta know.

  3. You can tell how much people value the truth by their anonymity. LMAO.

  4. Hello Miss Jean. I know you only from Twiter but you seem to always keep it real with your followers with advice and tips and stories you share all the time. shame you can't be honest with your friends.

  5. I love how you show your vulnerable side in your writing. Its very human of you.


  6. This is the realest shit you ever wrote!

  7. I like the truth. People get offended when "the truth" is actually opinion. Sure that stank breath is opinion, but it's probably widely held. Stank is stank, But my opinion may just be my opinion. I won't tell you my opinion unless asked. I may not like your dress. That's my opinion. But if you have a hole in the back of that ugly ass dress and everyone has been looking at your torn underwear...well that's some truth I'd pull you aside to tell you.

    Good post!

  8. I love you claudia! lol

  9. GOD DAMN! I got the message. I appreciate this more than you know.

    love you.

  10. I have some offenders I need you send his to. Great post!

  11. i FEEL bad after reading this even though I know that wasn't your intention.My friends sometimes tell me I'm difficult to deal with.Not that easy to talk to.Sometimes I'm the last to find out about something they all know.I want them to be more honest with me. Time to change.

  12. You put yourself so much in your blogs. You write like you're not afraid to show that you can be guilty too. This is great writing. Really long but good.

  13. I wouldn't want to be the friend whose toilet you couldn't sit on. Nasty house Goddamn. Tell me please if my house is that nasty. She wasn't embarrassed? I wouldn't have company.

  14. I personally know that it took a lot of courage for you to write this. I know you and I know how sensitive you are and how hard you go for your friends even when you are "some timey" or don't answer your phone. I know you. I know your heart. I also know that you are your own biggest critic and beat yourself up for things people should give you more credit for. I'm not mad at this post. I just hope you don't really take the silent approach. You are much more effective and appreciated when you open your mouth. Some of us know it and thankful for it even if we don't say it. Love you.

  15. Honesty is the best policy. Fuck everything else.

  16. Wow this was a great topic. Over the years I realized that I was the queen of "sugar coating" or holding back the truth. Why because I didn't want to ruffle feathers or upset people that were close to me. Then I started to realize when my life was going hay wire that all I had was a bunch of people around me who either didn't care or was just co-signing a lot of my BS.

    After child birth, growing pains, divorce, loosing freinds, finding God and then creating a new circle... I no longer hold back truth. And my real freinds don't hold back truth with me either sometime it actually does hurt my feelings but it has all helped better me.

    So don't know the old saying its not what you say its how you say it. Its all in delivery and sometime timing. Try to spoon feed your truth not shove it down there throat. Seal your truth in an enevlope of Love.

  17. I agree with TAKIYA. Seal the truth in an envelope of love. Your real friends will know that it won't come from an ugly place and that the truth may hurt you just as much as it may hurt them. Great Post my dear. Great post.

  18. Excellent post Claudia.
    Takiya made a great follow up point:
    "So don't know the old saying its not what you say its how you say it. Its all in delivery and sometime timing. Try to spoon feed your truth not shove it down their throat. Seal your truth in an envelope of Love." - I wholeheartedly agree.

  19. This is your answer here:

    "Or could it be that without lies, the ability to let things go,"sugar-coating", and the art of minding-your-own business, we would all be lonely and have NO friends who in essence deal with and regularly forgive our bullshit too?"

    We are all full of shit so we use eachother to balance our bullshit. I do think big truths need to be shared but if they can't handle it, keep it moving. Maybe those kinda friends should be downgraded.

  20. I can see this.I follow your tweets and you even handle those annoying people who Tweet you dumbness with care. You can't be so cautious with real friends. Delivery means is everything but deliver it. Don't stay silent.They don't stay silent with you,right? Tell the truth and hug them afterwards. If you hold truths it will drain you.

  21. Tell the truth and shame the devil...

  22. I'm staying anonymous because I used to work with your "homey" with the nasty house. Yea you're right. She's very nonchalant about her apartment. I didn't touch anything the one time I went there. But beside that, I like this post. You write how you talk. yes longwinded but good points. Good points. The truth is best in my opinion but I guess I'm guilty too cause I never told her about her nasty house, didn't use the bathroom and don't want her at my house.

  23. Yes Takiya! I agree but let's also remember that these are adults she is dealing with. If I can't be honest with my friends then we can't be friends. Maybe we can be associates. I need to hear the truth every time even if it hurts. Give it to me straight. My real friends wouldn't deliberately try to hurt my feelings anyway.

  24. Dear real-life friend: Hurt me with the truth rather than comforting me with lies.

  25. This was so good and so honest! You say things all of us are probably thinking.Thank you mocha!

  26. Great blog! The important thing to get from this is how you deliver the truth, and where or when you deliver it. If you tell someone certain "truths" about themselves in front of others, you will definitely end up in conflicts. Yes, sometimes the truth has be blunt, "told as it is", in order for someone to understand the seriousness of it. It never hurts to think about what you want to say, before you actually say it.
    I usually hold back the truth on a case0by-case basis. I'm still learning how to deliver my truths about people, and it's a struggle accepting my own. Lol

  27. I know this was hard for you but writing seems to help you get things off your chest. Very well written by the way. Keep them coming and always be truthful.

  28. "Nasty habits, stank attitudes, selfish behavior, questionable parenting, bad hygiene, gross misconduct, rubbing folks the wrong way, lack of respect for others, lack of home-training, and lies!"

    That was so deep.Your not shitty at casting your friends! WE all choose to deal with these things. Maybe in smaller doses or maybe in a big dose. Its alot to deal with but its a choice. Be truthful when you can and if you decide to be quiet for the sake of friendship, so be it.

  29. I read this like 10 times. So good. I like what takiya says too about delivery but I also read that you try that. Cushioning the blow,your preambles, taking blame and giving examples. What more do people want? You don't need advice on delivery because you already are cautious with that. My advice would be to go with your gut.If deep down inside you don't want to say anything then don't. If it feels necessary then say something. Give your friends the same benefit of the doubt that you would like. Let them decide for themselves. And if they get mad, fuck them!

  30. Hey Claudia, great post as always! xoxo

  31. You kept it all the way real.

  32. This was a fantastic read!

  33. Another great post! In the whole truth process, I learned how to use the sandwich method. Placing a critical remark between two encouraging commets make the truth easier to digest. And like a good coach, it's very important to know your personnel, how they take criticism, what they react positively to, which makes it easier to package the message. When this method is used with the utmost sincerity, the lines of communication become more open

  34. Props to you for having the courage to write this and post this. This isn't just some ordinary blog post. This was caculated and beautifully executed. I hope after you got this off of your chest, you found a little more courage to say how you feel to those you love.

  35. I felt you in this blog! Keep them coming and be honest girl because if you have to lie to them you'll be lying to yourself.

  36. This was the longest best blog i've read in a long time.

  37. i try to be delicate too but it doesn't work. I think people are happier being lied to. That's why people get so many passes.

  38. This is a topic that definitely has no clear right or wrong answer. There are some things that I would adamantly tell the truth on (bringing men around kids, breath, someone who has no respect for how they speak to people) and there are things I would be more reserved about (uncomfortable sitting on toilet, drinking behind someone who has no good hygiene). I say this from experience in those situations.

    I think we all have an inert desire to get along with people and to not hurt the others feelings. But, to me, I feel where the clear distinction and "spell" can be broken is when that person's behavior is hurting someone else. (i.e. the random men around kids, the speaking with no regard for other peoples feelings). I have no tolerance for people who not treat others fairly so I will more times than not speak my mind in these instances.

    This is the most I've ever responded to a blog; which means you did a great job choosing a topic and speaking intelligently and intuitively on the matter. Kudos!


  39. Give me the truth_it does hurt often but good to know... Its very tough saying the truth because everyone handles it differently. Claudia you always bring up tough topics tht reflect your emotions!! Brave Girl


  40. your candor supersedes you. :) sincerely, this hit the bulls eye. well said & brilliantly exposed....

  41. The truth shall set you free! Thanks for a great read and the real truth!

  42. Brave girl is right! This was fantastic. The truth shall set you free! Spiritually at least :)

  43. Tell it! I'm with you!

  44. I love it! tell the truth!
