Tuesday, July 26, 2011


When the pursuit of paper mutes your voice or changes your opinion, you are officially a rich puppet-Paul Porter

I remember the day he first yelled at me. It was stupid and it was in front of everyone as if I had committed a crime and needed a jury of my peers to witness him verbally cut my throat. I took my shoes off in the office. I didn’t walk around shoeless.  I didn’t put my feet up in a relaxing manner. I took my shoes off, placed them by my feet at the table I was sitting at and kept working. He became enraged! He called in crew, Production Management, and other Creatives like myself to listen to his speech on being ”professional” in the office, respecting everyone’s space and not becoming so comfortable as to take off your shoes “like Claudia” and think it’s ok. 

If the speech ended there, I would have just taken it as a loss and not thought twice about it. My shoes went back on my feet and I stayed working. But nooooo…he kept it going for what felt like eons about how disgusted he was and made sure my name was at the end of every sentence. I still continued my work but with a stone cold face. I looked around the room at others who seemed more annoyed than shocked at his rant. At that moment I got a discreet Instant Message from someone in the room.
“Oh shit, you’re now on his shit list. Just be prepared because it goes down-hill from here. And don’t take it personally. He’s an asshole who needs his ass beat.”


Well the messenger was right and the instant messages, emails, and after-hours calls were heavy between many of us in the office. But it wasn’t just about me! This guy made everyone’s job and life for the duration of the project mi-se-ra-ble. It was to a point where no one spoke around him unless spoken to. Production Staff would eat their breakfast in the restrooms to avoid being seen by him. A Crew Head would agree with something he said that was off the wall or completely incorrect JUST to avoid a lengthy discussion then would wish him death when we’d get on the elevator. When we’d wrap for the day, folks would haul ass to avoid running into him for any reason at all.

What kind of leader is this? I’ve been in the Entertainment Industry since the age of 16 and have never come across anyone so vile. He is a human Cancer. A piece of shit. The opposite of a mentor. A person who cheers on negativity and hopes for your worse. Every word he spoke was condescending, rude and inhuman…and he was our boss. One Production Head called him, “The Devil’s hero.”  This wasn’t good.

Once during an event he WENT OFF about how one of the crew members hung up a sign we used for production. He then decided to call everyone from the crew on walkie-talkie to meet him at the sign but called her last. We could not figure out what was wrong with the sign and no one could get to her quickly enough to warn her about him being upset.  In front of everyone he asked her to tell him what was wrong with the sign. She looked at all of us but we didn’t know! (And we couldn’t save her.) He asked her multiple times as she held back tears during the grueling interrogation. He then pointed out that the sign was hung up with black tape and how it was completely and utterly unacceptable and looked “Ghetto.”

Mouths dropped. He yelled to a point where strangers stopped to gawk. He used enough expletives to make you think she had stolen his per diem. Then when he was done, he walked away. Some of us lined up to hug her. My blood pressure raised. I wanted out.

Day after day after day this man made a job that was supposed to be a great gig into the absolute worst Production experience I’ve had in my life…and I’ve worked in hostile environments before! I’ve worked around cursing. I’ve been sexually harassed. I've been called a Bitch twice and even threw a chair once...but this job was killing me slowly. This dude was the epitome of evil.

Now don’t get me wrong...I realize that people, even supervisors, don’t owe you pleasantries. Pleasantries are not required, not part of Labor Laws and are not owed to you. But what about RESPECT? What about being treated like a Human being? What happened to showing a subordinate the right way to do things instead of embarrassing the shit out of them until they wish death upon you? Who wants that?

He once yelled at a crew member for not answering an email he sent at 4am. But he didn’t just question the crew member's ability to read and respond. Ohhhhhh nooooo! He questioned his parents' choice of where they sent him to school and whether or not he may have needed a tutor to come on set who could teach him how to read emails and respond back in a timely manner. (That’s a lot, right?) So because he didn’t read and respond to the email at 4am, his parents weren’t shit, his degree isn’t worth shit and he went as far as asking him if he needs a tutor???

Whoah! Time the Fuck out!

I started to hate him. HATE is indeed a strong word and an often misused emotion but I was fed up. I didn’t know if I was going to snap one day, call the police, have the police called on me, get fired or walk out…but every day I felt like all of the above were going to happen. Then when I too wished death upon him, I knew it was my time. It was no longer fun. My body was aching, head was hurting and I hated him. The promises that were made to me upon my being hired did not come thru. I was asked to work an extra day at no additional pay. I had an immediate Supervisor who not only threw me under the bus to save his ass on a daily, but who told me he didn’t want to manage our team and was only interested in getting HIS work done. Well Damn. Who could I turn to at that point?

One night I called my older sister crying hysterically. I told her how I was miserable. I told her about being disrespected on a daily basis. I told her I worked for a man who admitted his “hate” for Black women and who used the words "NIGGERS" and "BLACK BITCHES" all willy nilly around an office filled with mixed company. I told her my “unprofessional” shoe removal story and how the very next day, he went to sleep on the couch, in the middle of the office snoring like a 10 thousand pound gorilla. I told her about how he changed my name from Claudia to BONEQUISHA and SHAQUISHA and how I refused to respond.

The last straw came when he cursed me out on set for wanting to move his back-pack that was crushing one of my Props it was sitting on top of. Then later he asked me, the only woman on set, to carry the same back-pack that was so heavy I leaned forward like I had Scoliosis. Male members of staff watched me struggle with the bag, afraid they'd get in trouble just for assisting me. He eventually snatched it from me so hard that he not only knocked me down, but grabbed some of my skin in the process. He gave no apology nor did he help me up. That was it! I hated him and I was done.

My sister then asked me how much money I was making. I told her. Her response was, “HOW MUCH?” All I could imagine was her eyes opened really wide because of the amount. It wasn’t small, but to me it was not worth it. I’ve heard of paying dues but this was ridiculous. And at this point in my career, I shouldn’t feel desperate for any gig, right? Desperate enough to allow this type of disrespect? And being a Bully to me and other members of our crew is not my idea of a good leader.You feel me?

I didn’t know what advice my sister was going to give me. And since she’s an attorney, she is well trained in office battles. She’s always been known as the strong one. (So strong that even from her death bed, my mother said she didn’t want to die in front of me but knew my sister could take it.) So what did my sister advise? She told me to stay until I got booked for another gig. Some of my friends and colleagues said the same thing, but at that point I just wanted out and I wanted my credit. Fuck him.

In the beginning I knew my work would speak for itself but when my work started to suffer because I didn’t care anymore, I just didn’t care anymore! I stopped using pleasantries. When he would enter the room I wouldn’t scram like others did nor did I go out of my way to speak. I ignored him on some days, “talked back” on others, and began to just do the minimum work required to stay afloat and collect a check.

But that isn’t why I decided to work in Entertainment! For a check? If most of us Creatives worked for just a check, we wouldn’t work in our fields. Creative people are already stressed, especially freelancers who work from gig to gig and often check to check… if the client pays on time. Who needs the added stress? How can you give your 100% if the environment you work in doesn’t allow you to?

Here’s a better question….when you decide enough is enough, does it make you weak or make you strong for walking away? On my last day he told me that “maybe” I didn’t have the “stomach” for the job.

LOL!  No Negro…I don’t have the stomach for you!

Sooooo…are others who work with him show after show stronger than those of us who vowed never to work with him again?  Are those who ride his waves more likely to succeed in this business because they dealt with him under his conditions? Can’t I be viewed as strong for NOT wanting to work with him or anyone like him? And whyyyyyyyyy do people like him progress?  Don’t nice people make good TV?

I don’t have any solid answers which is one of the main reasons I wrote this blog post. Honestly, there may not be a wrong or right answer to any of it.  But strength should not be defined by how high you get people to jump or how many times you can take a punch. And there’s more value in how people respond to you positively rather than how much they fear you.

But one thing I do know for sure is neither a check nor a credit makes abuse feel better...and neither does silence. 

Unabbreviated, Unashamed, Unbroken...Untitled.

Claudia Jean


  1. I dont have any words. I hate him too.

  2. CLAUDIA! Your stronger than I thought. But I don't think what you went through and what others went through was worth the credit.

  3. Can you send me his name so I can make sure I don't send him my resume?

  4. Yes I was hoping I wasn't first. But hey girl hey! This was a lot. I'm sorry you experienced this. I've heard a lot about this motherfucker and worse stories about him and how he runs his ship. I don't know how he continues to be successful. Could it be because no one steps to him or complains to the right person? You need a big brother in your life because after he knocked you down he shoulda got his teeth knocked in. You better call them goons! (In my evelyn voice)

  5. I like how you wrote this but I'm sad you went thru it. I don;t know if I would 've been as calm. Maybe I need to grow up cause I woulda fucked him up.

  6. Yup. You hit the nail on the head. And I too hate him and hope to catch him on the streets one day.


  8. Thank GOD for the ability to remain anonymous!!!!!!!!!!!! he is crazy and I think suffers from depression. I would say he was bipolar but his moods don't really swing. He is evil everyday, morning noon and night. I don't know who created the monster but as long as he gets good ratings he won't change. this is who he is and i regret I ever tolerated him. Good post Claudia.

  9. Did you say BONEQUISHA and SHAQUISHA? How do you respond to something like that? Was he serious or would he laugh? This is a little disturbing.

  10. I was thinking about the same thing! Did you roll ya neck and snap your fingers? Were you acting like Martin in drag or madea? What would make him call you that? Some black people think shit like that is funny and although there may be girls named bonequesha and shaquisha I don't think those names are viewed as positive names. That hit a nerve for me.

  11. When I met him, he seemed like a self-hating Black man. You just verified EVERYTHING he gave me in the few minutes of interacting with him. The sad part is there are soooooooo many men in this industry like this I dont even really know if you're talking about him. SMH!! When you don't care any more it's time to walk away. Not because you're too weak for the job, but because your strong enough to know that if you stay, you may go to prison for attempted murder... and no one wants that... *Salute*

  12. What an asshole!!!! I don't know how you managed to handle it for as long as you did and how not one fucking guy stood up to his ass for you...I'm so pissed for you right now!

    By the way, I haven't said this lately, but damn I love the way you write, you paint a picture with your every word. Love you girl.

  13. I've left jobs for FAR less than this. You are a person before you are a position, a dollar sign, or a credit. Never forget that.

  14. Every now and then you need to leave a foot imprint in former employers thinking parts. This is one of those occasions.

    Paul Porter

  15. I can't believe what I am reading. You get major props for writing this. You should send this to everyone who knows him.

  16. You need to write a book. You paint a great picture and if I knew him I'd fuck him up for you free of charge.

  17. He needs to get his add whooped! I can't believe no one helped you when he knocked you down and PULLED SKIN! HELL TO THE NAH!!

  18. This took courage. Shame on those who didn't speak up.

  19. This is crazy. Almost as if I'm reading a script. Shame on him!

  20. We seriously need to discuss this. I will call you tonight. Great post but horrible circumstance.


  21. I know who youre talking about and I have colleagues who worked with him and the stories are similar. Too bad writing this blog won't make a big difference if any because I don't think he'll change. Someone is feeding the monster. Good post though and it was written well. I can tell that you were hurt.

  22. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Not sure who that guy is but, thank you Claudia...for being strong and fearless. You will continue to do great things in the entertainment field or where ever you want.

  24. I wish this was an exaggeration but unfortunately it is extremely accurate. I too have worked with this sorry excuse for a man and it was a terrible experience. The person that said he is crazy and suffers from depression hit the nail on the head.

  25. And no one punched him in the face yet? You need some GOONS!

  26. Wonderfully written! You have painted a great picture of what seems to be a monster. I like how you let your guard down to let us in. I applaud you for being brave enough to put this together. I hope this circulates enough to get to the right people unless Karma gets to him first.

  27. I was one of the friends who told you to stay. SMH. My bad.

  28. This man is a CANCER to this production and everyone that has to be in his presence! My time on his set was specialized short lived but it was the worst experience I have ever had in my 9 years working on production sets! The fear and tension was so thick you can barely breathe when he is in the room, it only took seconds for me to Identify him as the CANCER! He human embodiment of "misery loves company".

    I would like to apologize to all the people he has harmed in his path and let all for the production newbees know that THIS IS NOT NORMAL, ALL PRODUCTIONS ARE NOT LIKE THIS, THIS IS NOT THE WAY YOU SHOULD HAVE TO PAY YOUR DUES!

    I commend you for writing this because he needs to be exposed and HE NEEDS TO BE STRIPPED OF ALL POSITIONS OF POWER, he doesn't deserve power or respect!

  29. I feel like you're punking us! Where is ashton? And men stood around and let him act that way? You must not work with anyone off the corner.

    I'm so sorry Claudia.

  30. I would pay to be a fly on the wall just to see your face when he called you Bonequesha and Shaquisha. It's not funny but I know that face you make when you're annoyed. Oh that side eye of yours! Fuck him by the way.

  31. You were nice in this blog. I could think of some more colorful words to describe his fat ass. I hope one day karma punches him in the face and he loses everything. Fuck him.

  32. What a nightmare!

  33. Ive been here a lot in work situations and the last job I resigned after he cursed me out so bad spit flew in my face and he hit the wall beside me.because he was angry at a graphic designer he felt.followed my orders wrong. I left no new job in sight. I said suck yuh madda and left. Parents were mad but no price can be placed on how good i felt.when i said those words.

  34. WOW!!!!! You have nooooo idea how familiar this sounds to me right now. OMG I felt like I was reading this story in a mirror.

  35. It's unfortunate you had such an awful experience Claudia. BUT take it for what it was...an "EXPERIENCE." You're stronger for having endured it and respected for leaving. I hope you gave him the "dueces" on the way out with a lil bop in your step LOL

  36. Who is this man? Let's send the goons!

  37. You are on point with this. He is a horrible person to work with and for.

  38. I dont think this was a professional working environment.It felt more like a prison and I hated every minute of it and hate working with him. Even though I smiled everyday I was unhappy inside. alot of us felt the same way but didn't speak out because its a job. But you are right in saying it isn't worth it.

  39. Its fucked up we got to be anonymous but you know how it is in this busniess even tho everyone knows how he is. Imagine all of us in one room sharing our stories. it would be crazy.

  40. i love how you tell stories girl!


  42. Did he come out tha closet yet? Oops!

    Signed-Former employee of that faggot ass nigga

  43. He's the last person I want to talk about on a Friday night but let me just say he is the most unprofessional person Ive ever worked with in my entire career and I feel like too many people let him get away with that behavior. Your blog captured everything that I've dealt with when working with him and I'm almost embarrassed and ashamed that you wrote this blog and I never had the guts to say anything.

  44. WTF! This isn't cool. And you shouldn't have to write a blog. There was no one else in a management position that could have done anything? I refuse to believe grown men stand there and allow him to behave this way. Are you motherfucking serious? Where are these cats from????? You know what every industry has clowns that act like that but you gotta be strong enough to walk away and be at peace with your decisions. People that stay after that type of shit are just as bad as battered women who say that shit ain't that bad. Go with your gut man and use your eyes. If it walks like abuse, talks like abuse and smells like abuse that shit is abuse. Fuck a check and credit and fuck them lames who grin and bear it. This is a good blog and I'm glad you told the story but I don't wanna read no shit like this again man and the people who worked with him and leaving comments shoulda told him how they felt instead of cosigning your blog. Your blog should make people think not give them courage after the fact. No grown man is suppose to act like that towards no woman or man and if he does he aint supposed to be able to walk away safely or at all.

  45. This is sad. No one should have to go through that.

  46. Your story is my story and I hate him too.

  47. You should report him. Sing like a canary girL!

  48. Excellent! I know you could have went in but you really wrote this nicely. I'm sorry you experienced this.

  49. He is a crazy and evil man. I wish him nothing good in life.

  50. I tried to talk to him once about his attitude and he told me if I didn't like it I could leave. So I left. Fuck him.

  51. Kudos to you for writing this although I'm sure you didn't write this for cosigns but now that its written, now what? Is anyone going to do something? Does discussing this bring awareness? Will someone step to him or punch him in the face? What now? I know that feeling when you think no one will care or help. I just hope someone with some sort of power makes a move so that another blog like this doesn't have to be written.


  53. He's a miserable motherfucker who is miserable in his personal life so he takes that shit out on anyone who is happy and knows what they're doing. That sounds crazy but its true. He is a Debbie Downer, a party pooper, a wet blanket and the Devil all in one. His negativity can be felt from call time until its time to wrap and he brings unnecessary tension to situations where it absolutely isn't necessary. But he succeeds because no one says a thing. I've only seen a few stand up to him and they chose to no longer work with him again. Good for them and good for you for writing this. Fuck him.

  54. All you anonymous mofos need to get together and whoop his ass! Bwahahahahahaha!

  55. Call dem goons Evelyn was talking about on the show!LMAO

  56. Good read. I'm sorry about your experience.

  57. Who is this motherfucker? He needs to be smacked openhanded in the mouth.

  58. You're being nice with this calm post cause you know you left out a few stories. Worse stories! Lets not sugarcoat! But I'm proud of you anyway. This is a great blog.

  59. He sounds like a sick individual.

  60. Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fuck him!

  61. I'm sorry you and others went through this. He has a problem.

  62. Why would anyone work with him or for him if he is this bad? I don't understand. I've worked in Production and have never experienced or witnessed anything like this. I couldn't do it.

  63. Damn. That Nigga sounds crazy.

  64. What kind of show would allow this abuse? I'm sorry you experienced this. You should report him or get him fucked up.
